Podsumowanie projektu "Sexual Education for Youth Workers"

Even the best things must come to an end at some point. One of the most intense weeks is behind us - when we had the pleasure of hosting project participants in Poland for the first time. 30 youth educators from 7 countries - an abundance of ideas on how to change the face of sex education, how to ensure reliable and accessible knowledge for young people, as well as a lot of interesting information from different cultures.

Thank you - for your intensive work, your commitment to the workshops, your participation in the cultural evenings and the transfer of knowledge about your countries. We hope that you have acquired a wealth of knowledge and seen all the most beautiful things in our region.

See you again!

The project 'Sexual Education for Youth Workers' was funded by the Erasmus+ Programme, under the Mobility Action for Youth Workers (KA153-YOU), project number 2022-3-PL01-KA153-YOU-000095739.